In fact, after you are complete this initial stage, you are solely going to select the desired profile that you want to connect to the DS3 controllers. While it may seem rather daunting to take the time and configure all your controllers and create profiles that you can use in various circumstances, you should bear in mind that you do not need to do this more than once. The app comes with a minimalistic and user-friendly interface that is unlikely to give you any troubles. It is worth mentioning that the tool also allows you to set the threshold for the buttons and tweak the vibration at the same time. Configuration, in this case, entails entering your desired profile name, select the template that suits your joystick and then start mapping as you find it conveniently. You can get started by creating a new profile from the dedicated field, which, in all fairness, is not very visible at first.
Upon launch, the program should be able to detect the DS3 controllers connected along with the battery state and other details related to Bluetooth pairing, such as the host and master.

The application does not require setup, so you can start using it as soon as you download it to your computer. Create profiles for DirectInput and XInput configurations
Better DS3 is a tool that provides you with a straightforward way to configure PS3 controllers offline so that you can enhance their overall functionality.